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How to Remove Hyperlinks in Word (also, Turn Off Hyperlinks)

Hyperlinks are clickable links that take you to a specific web page, or source, within or outside your Word document.

Microsoft Word occasionally inserts clickable links where you do not want them (i.e., citations and within the text).

Links can be helpful in some cases, but they can also appear cluttered, unprofessional, or unnecessary in a printed document.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Word

You can add or remove hyperlinks in Word as needed depending on the requirements of your Word document.

When you enter or copy and paste URLs into Word, hyperlinks are added automatically to the Word document.

To follow the link in Word for Windows, hold down the control (ctrl) key while clicking on it. To follow the link in Word for Mac, hold down the ⌘ Command key while clicking on it.

It is hard to keep up with everything Microsoft Word does with so many features and functions.

Follow the link in Word

While helpful hyperlinks can also be annoying, for example, when a user copies information from a website (like Wikipedia) and pastes it into a Word document, the hyperlinks follow. These hyperlinks are useless because you do not want them in your document.

This article teaches you how to remove hyperlinks from a Word document so you can get back to work.

RELATED: How to Hyperlink in Microsoft Word

How to Remove a Hyperlink in Word Using Tools Menu

Microsoft Word Tools menu has an option that lets you remove hyperlinks from your document. Here’s how.

Right-click anywhere on a hyperlink to remove it from Word

1. Highlight the hyperlink you want to remove and “Right-click” on it.

Click "Remove Hyperlink."

2. Click “Remove Hyperlink.”

Text or Characters appear as normal text after removing the hyperlink

3. The text/characters will revert to their original color and appear as default text.

On the "Edit Hyperlink" window, click "Remove Link" and then select "OK"

4. Alternatively, you can right-click anywhere on a link and click “Edit Hyperlink” in the pop-up menu that appears. This option displays the window shown above. Click “Remove Link,” then click “OK” to remove a hyperlink in Word.

That’s it. You can remove hyperlinks in Excel in a similar way.

How to Remove All Hyperlinks in Word Using HotKeys

HotKeys makes it faster and easier to remove hyperlinks in Word primarily because they delete multiple links regardless of how many are in your document.

In the first process, the right-click method deletes hyperlinks one by one. Here is how to remove all hyperlinks in Word Mac and Windows.

If there are numerous links on multiple pages, remove all hyperlinks from your document using hotkeys.

Windows users can use these hotkeys:

Use the following Windows hotkeys to remove all hyperlinks in Word.

Windows hotkeys to remove all hyperlinks from Word
  1. Press “Ctrl + A” to highlight the entire text in your document.
  2. Press “Ctrl + Shift + F9” to remove all the hyperlinks.

Mac users can use these hotkeys:

Use the following shortcut keys to remove all hyperlinks in Word Mac.

Mac hotkeys to remove all hyperlinks from Word
  1. Press “Command + A.” It highlights the entire text of the document from which you want to remove the hyperlinks.
  2. Press “Command + fn + Shift + F9.” It will remove all hyperlinks from your Word document.

RELATED: How to Use Microsoft Word (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Remove Hyperlinks in Word Using Macros

The Macro Recorder is a helpful tool included in Word that allows you to record a series of preferred options and playback the macro when needed.

You can also manually enter Visual Basic code to create a macro that removes hyperlinks from all open Word documents.

To start, simultaneously press the “Alt + F11” hotkey to launch the Visual Basic editor. To open a Module window to enter macro code, select “Insert,” and click “Module.” Then, “Ctrl + C” to copy and “Ctrl + V” to paste the below code into the module window of Word.

Steps to remove hyperlinks in Word using Macros:

Press the "Alt + F11" hotkey to open the Visual Basic editor in Word

1. To open the Visual Basic editor, simultaneously press the “Alt + F11” hotkey.

Click "Insert"

2. Click “Insert” on the “Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications” window.

Select "Module"

3. Select “Module” to bring up the Module window, where you can enter the macro code.

Copy and paste the code into the Microsoft Word module window

4. Highlight the code below and press “Ctrl + C” to copy and “Ctrl + V” to paste it into the MS Word module window.

Sub ClearHyperlinks()
Dim oField As Field
For Each oField In ActiveDocument.Fields
If oField.Type = wdFieldHyperlink Then
End If
Set oField = Nothing
End Sub

Once you have pasted the above code, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + S” to save the macro.

Use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + S" to save the macro

To run the macro, return to your document, and do the following.

Click the "File" tab from the top left in Word

1. Click the “File” tab at the top.

Click "Options" at the bottom

2. Click “Options” at the bottom.

Select "Customize Ribbon" from the left menu options

3. In the Word Options window, select “Customize Ribbon.”

Under "Customize the Ribbon," find and check the "Developer" option and click "OK"

4. Under “Customize the Ribbon,” locate and check the “Developer” option and click “OK.”

Select the "Developer" tab in the ribbon

5. Then select the newly added “Developer” tab in the ribbon.

Click "Macros" from the left

6. Click “Macros.”

Select "ClearHyperlinks" and click "Run"

7. Then choose “ClearHyperlinks” and click “Run.”

Congrats! You removed all hyperlinks in open Word documents at the same time.

Copying and Pasting Plain Text Hyperlinks

You may want to paste copied links as plain text to display the complete web address.

Use "Ctrl + C" hotkey to copy the website link you want to use in Word

1. Copy the website link/URL you want to use by pressing the “Ctrl + C” hotkey.

Right-click and choose "Keep Text Only"  option from the context menu

2. Right-click in your document and choose “Keep Text Only” from the context menu. But do not press the “Enter” key after pasting the web address as that converts the URL to hyperlink format.

Note: The “Keep Text Only” option will appear only after copying the link or the web address you want to use.

Remove the hyperlink format from the URL using right-click

To remove the hyperlink format from the URL, right-click on it and choose the Remove hyperlink option. It will convert the web address as a plain text hyperlink.

How to Turn Off Automatic Hyperlink Formatting in Word

Word converts URLs to hyperlinks automatically, but you can prevent this from happening. Here’s how.

Click the "File" tab in Word

1. Click the “File” tab.

Select the "Options" button from the left pane

2. Select the “Options” button from the left pane to open the “Word Options” window.

Select "Proofing" in Word Options window

3. Select “Proofing” from the left menu.

Click "AutoCorrect Options"

4. Click the “AutoCorrect Options button.

In the AutoCorrect window, choose the "AutoFormat As You Type" tab

5. Choose the “AutoFormat As You Type” tab.

Clear "Internet and network paths with hyperlinks" check box

6. Clear the check box “Internet and network paths with hyperlinks.”

Click OK to apply changes

7. Click on the “OK” button on the “AutoCorrect” and “Word Options” windows to apply changes. It will completely turn off hyperlinks in Word.

All URLs entered in Word documents will now be displayed in plain text.


There are several methods for converting Word document links to plain text URLs.

Word has hotkeyscontext menu options, and macros that you can use to delete hyperlinks from Word documents.

How to Remove Hyperlink in Word on Mac?

To remove a hyperlink in Word on Mac: Launch a Word document with a hyperlink. Right-click on a link you wish to delete. Click the Hyperlink option and then select Remove Hyperlink.

